Exam results
Results 2024
Congratulations to all those pupils who have collected exam results over the last few weeks. We know that the good results were the product of a lot of hard work and commitment.
Our 2024 progress and performance headlines will be published shortly.
KS4 Performance Snapshot
The average number of GCSE entries per pupil at Morpeth is the 68th highest of all secondary schools in England, placing the school in the top 2% of all schools. This is the highest of all schools in Tower Hamlets, with Morpeth pupils on average taking two more GCSEs than at other Tower Hamlets schools.
Progress Headlines
The 2023 Morpeth ‘Progress 8’ score is in the DfE ‘Above Average’ band, placing the school in the top 27% of schools nationally. The government’s decision to not include GCSEs taken during COVID-impacted exam series in ‘Progress 8’ measures for 2023 means that Morpeth School’s ‘Progress 8’ score was impacted on the downside, particularly for EBacc and languages. Including these entries provides a ‘Progress 8’ score of +0.36.
The English GCSE progress score is ‘well above average’, placing Morpeth in the top 20% of all schools nationally. Progress in ‘non-EBacc’ subjects (our ‘Options’ subjects) is also considered ‘well above average’, in the top 13% of all schools in England.
Pupils from across socio-economic backgrounds make good progress, and disadvantaged students being particularly strong across subjects. The progress of pupils with high prior attainment is in the top 10% of secondary schools nationally.
Underlying data from DfE (2023) Secondary School Performance data in England: 2022 to 2023. Discounting guidance: DfE (2023) Discounting and Early Entry Guidance.
Accountability measures guidance: DfE (2023) Secondary accountability measures: Guide for maintained secondary schools, academies and free schools.
Follow this link to view our key stage 4 performance on the Department for Education (DfE) School and College Performance measures website.
Use this link to the DfE School and College Performance measures website to search for performance information on other schools, across local authorities, or multi-academy trusts.
- Further information on the uneven impact of the pandemic
- 2022 Key Stage 4 Performance Headlines
- Destinations after Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5 DfE Performance tables
Please follow this link to view our key stage 5 performance on the DfE School and College Performance measures website.
Use this link to the DfE School and College Performance measures website to search for performance information on other schools, across local authorities, or multi- academy trusts.
2022 Key Stage 5 Performance Headlines
- Our pupils in 2022 achieved an average grade of C+ per A level entry, compared to an average grade of B- for all pupils nationally.
- The average grade per Applied Level 3 vocational and technical qualifications achieved by our pupils in 2022 was a Distinction,the same as the average grade achieved by all pupils nationally.
- Nine per cent of our pupils achieved at least grades AAB in 3 A levels that count as facilitating subjects, i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Geography, History, English Literature, and Classical/Modern Languages. This compares with 21% of all pupils nationally.
- All our pupils were retained to the end of the ‘core aim’ of their study programme, significantly higher than the 69% of all pupils who did so nationally.
Destinations after KS5
- The proportion of our pupils who continue in education or into employment for at least 6 months after completing their KS5 studies is higher than the proportion evident nationally - 83% of our cohort ending KS5 in 2021 compared to the national figure of 79%.
- The proportion of our pupils who progress to level 4 qualifications in higher education and training — i.e.degrees, higher technical courses and higher apprenticeships stand at 74% for our cohort ending KS5 in 2021. This is significantly higher than the national proportion of 52%.
- Forty four per cent of our pupils ending KS5 in 2022 secured places on degree courses in Russell Group / 1994 / Top 20 Universities.
- Eleven percent went to Universities outside of London.