KS3 Curriculum
At Morpeth, we have a KS3 curriculum which is broad and balanced in offering all pupils the opportunity to build their knowledge and skills in all of the following subjects: Art, Drama, Design & Technology (DT), English, Geography, History, Computing & Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Maths, Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), Music, Physical Education (PE), Religious Studies (RS) and Science.
In addition to the above, pupils in Year 7 have a lesson a fortnight focussing on oracy.
Pupils are taught in mixed prior attainment groupings in all subjects apart from Maths which operates a setting system from the beginning of Year 8.
In DT, pupils study Food Technology, Product Design and Resistant Materials on a carousel basis each year so that they experience all three disciplines.
In MFL, pupils study either Spanish or French in Year 7 for 2 sessions a week which they will continue into year 8. In year 8, there is also the option for those who are gifted and talented or very keen on languages to pick up a second language (either French or Spanish alongside their original language) in the dual language option. Bengali is also introduced as single language option also.
There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer in many subject areas to support pupils’ learning beyond the classroom.
If you require further information about the curriculum, please contact us by phone on 020 8981 0921, or email: enquiries@morpeth.towerhamlets.sch.uk; or view details for each subject here.